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TheKeyCaptain t1_iw1ht6h wrote

I agree with RunningLowOnBrain. I use Tangerines on my main board at 35g springs and they're perfect. If you want Thocc, I would recommend either Gateron Black Inks, or the Oil Kings. Banana Splits are very smooth but a bit softer than most linears I would say. Green Matcha Akkos are also a great budget linear switch. Healios are great as well if money isn't an issue and you want a silent switch, or the Silent Alpacas.


Heblehblehbleh OP t1_iw1kjva wrote

Did you lube your tangerines? And how smooth were they as compared to banana splits or the oil kings?


TheKeyCaptain t1_iw1ms91 wrote

I do. I lube all my switches. I think Banana Splits are slightly smoother than Tangerines and Oil Kings. Tangerines are slightly thoccy as are the Oil Kings. What sound are you going for?


Heblehblehbleh OP t1_iw1nfjl wrote

Something that has a nice light and abit more high pitched bottom out sound almost like a creamy or licking(lol) sound. since my Yellows with pbt keycaps are quite low pitched thoccs.

Something like the Pink keyboard in this video which is using tealios. The third one is banana splits. Which still is very good imo.

I guess the question now is, how do the Tealioses compare in feeling to the others i have heard that silent switches have a mushy bottom out feel


Cellardoorq t1_iw1qkni wrote

Tealios switches are alright but there are better ones. The higher pitched sound from switches usually comes from a linear switch on an aluminum or Bronze plate. If it feels squishy on the bottom out it has been overlubed!


Heblehblehbleh OP t1_iw1rgta wrote

Could you give an example of better ones? Also I'm going to be using a brass plate, how will it make a difference?


SubwayPickle t1_iw20n85 wrote

telios are overpriced for what they are, I think that's what he wants to say


SubwayPickle t1_iw20m4m wrote

90% of silents in fact will be mushy, this is correct. But a non-silent switch should not.