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CuriousHatty t1_ix1uc20 wrote

Started turning to Krytox XHT-BDZ for stab wires because of this.
Holee mod was a bit too finicky for me, so I just "plug the butt" with XHT-BDZ. It caaan dry out and settle, but it being thicker than 205g0 helps tons.


CrystalAsuna t1_ix2s9ag wrote

holee modding is a pain in the ass once you have to try and deal with rattly prelubed stab

will keep this in mind


reasimoes t1_ix38vp2 wrote

Tell me about it. Whenever I am dealing with a pre built I always tell the owner: spend a few bucks more on Stabs so we can properly take care of them with the pre lubbing hassle


raijba t1_ix50q7b wrote

When you plug the butt with bdz, do you mean you load it into a syringe? Is there any special trick to getting bdz in a syringe? It looks like it would be too thick to both load and inject. Never worked with it though, but I've been wanting to try. Especially if it's injectable.


CuriousHatty t1_ix52k07 wrote

I just load up a thin brush and apply by hand! I do believe a store out there does have syringes of XHT-BDZ, but I've not found the need to order them.


raijba t1_ix5kwyv wrote

Gonna have to try it, thanks!