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Stumpy-_- t1_iwg8kqy wrote

Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in We Need More 75s by QWERKey-UK

I'm not sure why you've been downvoted so much here, everything you've said is perfectly accurate


WozNZ t1_iwkb01q wrote

It is standard for the internet, no?

From experience there are too many people that when someone says something that does not sit with their view they take it as a personal insult for some insane reason :)

Sort of "How dare you not like 60%, that is my favourite" click down lol

Won't be the 100% crowd, there are like 5 of us and I am one of them in here and engaged in the discussion so that only leaves 4 others and they are occupied looking for a 100% kit to build


QWERKey-UK OP t1_ix0tqoz wrote

>Won't be the 100% crowd, there are like 5 of us

LOL. That actually DID make me laugh out loud... not just type LOL.


sledge812 t1_iwihgdz wrote

I'll take a guess. He's been the voice of reason in here and this doesn't sit very well with some people.