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QWERKey-UK t1_iy0c7pu wrote

>I want things to change

Obviously, but why, and how is getting rid of group buys going to achieve this change. Furthermore, what would this change be?

> Im not saying it’s easy, but I could figure it out and do it if I wanted to.

I guess we'll never know.


mamamarty21 t1_iy0hb6h wrote

Yeah, and contrary to popular belief, learning how to make 3d renders and all that just to prove a point to a random person on the internet isn’t the best use of one’s time. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


QWERKey-UK t1_iy0id0g wrote

There's way more to designing a keycap set than making some renders. It wasn't the reason I said that anyway. This guy thinks he has the solution, and is telling us it's easy, (just get a business loan LOL), so why doesn't he just keep quiet, and get on with revolutionising everything and make a ton of money and transform this hobby?

Because it's easy to come out with bullshit, and even believe that bullshit when you have no idea what you are talking about.


mamamarty21 t1_iy0lkou wrote

I feel like the “and all that” kinda encapsulates the “way more to it” part. Either way, doing it doesn’t interest me. I don’t have enough passion for this shit to make me want to design and produce anything. I don’t even want to do that for hobbies that I’m much much more invested in, so I’d never even think to waste my time with it. There are people that actually want to design sets and produce them though, and they are the ones that need to do something about it


QWERKey-UK t1_iy0msua wrote

>I don’t have enough passion for this shit to make me want to design and produce anything.

So in other words, you seem to be passionately arguing about something you aren't very passionate about. (shrug). Maybe you just like arguing on the internet.


>There are people that actually want to design sets and produce them though, and they are the ones that need to do something about it

So you are holding the designer responsible for all the things you don't like about group buys? How does that work exactly?

The more you say, the more it becomes obvious that you just don't know enough about all this to have a valid opinion.

My advice to you, is to just ignore group buys. You've still to explain how you personally would gain if they (group buys) disappeared off the face of the earth tomorrow. How would you benefit? What do you suppose would change should that come to pass? Can you explain? Why don't you just ignore them instead of (obviously) being so angry about them?