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QWERKey-UK t1_iy2mkt4 wrote

Not all manufacturers take as long as GMK, and GMK have explained why they are having the issues they are having, and what they are doing about it. They've even posted in this sub themselves explaining. If anyone is to blame, it's vendors who keep running GBs with GMK knowing the lead times are sometimes two years or so. Even so, we all know the lead times, so if you don't want to wait for a GMK set (other manufacturers are available), then either try to get extras once they drop (but you'll still have to wait... you just won't have to pay up front), or just don't bother with group buys. There are loads of in- stock, original keycaps from other manufacturers that you can just buy right now without waiting. Anyone would think that you HAVE to have GMK keycaps (other manufacturers are available), and the wait times are something you HAVE to put up with. If you don't want to wait, don't use group buys. If you know the lead times going in, then you can't really complain about it. If group buys are delayed beyond what you were told, that can be annoying, sure, but let's be honest here, no one enters a GMK group buy and expects anything other than a wait time measured in months.... many months. I don't get it... people happily enter group buys, knowing it will take 18 months (for argument sake), then lose their shit when it takes 21 months or whatever. I mean...sure, annoying, but were they actually sat behind their front door waiting for them to arrive or something? If you enter a keycap group buy, expect a long wait. Order them, and move on. You don't WAIT for them.

If you are a newcomer to the hobby, please don't enter a group buy for something you really need. Stick to in stock stuff until you have a fair collection of boards and caps and switches, so you can at least enjoy the hobby without having to sit there staring at a calendar waiting for your precious keycaps to arrive in order to do take part.