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FallenCow t1_j1xovxx wrote

Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.


lukethenoteable OP t1_j1y5vno wrote

I tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.


Castle508 t1_j1y7jpo wrote

My first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.


Aftershock416 t1_j1yv508 wrote

>lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.

Is that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.


FallenCow t1_j21akjc wrote

Might want to see a doctor if it's red.


DarkWorld25 t1_j1yfhu3 wrote

Very lucky for you then, my flight from HND to SYD last week hit 2 hours of severe turbulence


lukethenoteable OP t1_j1yiyik wrote

Yeah I was kinda scared to do this. I did this a couple days after the Hawaiian airlines incident.


DarkWorld25 t1_j1ykjib wrote

Wait there was an incident? Oh jfc that would explain why all the flights to hawaii were cancelled on the night we flew out LMAO.



kogasapls t1_j1yuacv wrote

My parents were kind enough to tell me about that incident after my plane landed. (Not to Hawaii or anything.) Sounds awful.


CTxVoltage t1_j207lg1 wrote

Yeah my go to is a pill organizer thing. Those big containers full of lil squares that open and close individually. I use these even in my own home because it just helps.


lukethenoteable OP t1_j21dxgd wrote

That's pretty smart. Unfortunately my bag is already fairly stuffed so I'm unable to do that


AMv8-1day t1_j1zpxs3 wrote

This is brave for the shear fact that if OP is anything other than a safe looking white man, Karen in 22B will be screaming to report him for building a bomb.


BigAsian69420 t1_j213pzo wrote

One time I was taking apart my paintball gun and one of the springs that was like a quarter of an inch and super super skinny, and mind you my garage is one of those that has shit everywhere. Long story short I ended up finding it on the other end of the garage under my dads tool thing.