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rickdeckard7 t1_j2aap2i wrote

Olivia F row looks off. Why are they all black and not like the gmk set?


mgsickler OP t1_j2aemvr wrote

This isnt meant to be a 1:1 replica. If you are interested in that, stay tuned to the round 3 preorder of the GMK set coming in February.


808s-n-KRounds t1_j2bmddm wrote

If it’s not 1:1, why is it called Olivia and not Olivia-inspired/-styled or something? It seems the current trend of official PBT recreations of GMK-produced sets is to be 1:1, and that’s what people want when they shop for them

Thank you for the groupbuy update


HeightAboveGeoid t1_j2bywv8 wrote

> why is it called Olivia and not Olivia-inspired/-styled or something?

Because they worked with Olivia for the PBT version. The first bullet point in the Specs says "Designed by Olivia".


808s-n-KRounds t1_j2c60pn wrote

It follows established naming conventions for PBT rereleases of existing GMK-produced sets

Whom it was designed by is separate. GMK Olivia being named after Olivia, a known and established designer, was a personal choice. A different set with a relatively similar design doesn’t also have to be named after them. I don’t call Spellbook “Novelkeys_ Bub” or GMK Copper “GMK fatboycarney.” I see what you’re getting at, but it’s missing the point

I don’t think they need to rename it, but it would be nice to have an upfront disclaimer that it’s not a recreation, but a similarly inspired set
