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eyi526 t1_j1su614 wrote

A southpaw-1800-96/8 keyboard is definitely on my list. I feel like it can be a great work board as I enter numbers with my left hand and navigate my mouse with my right hand!


Laui_2000 t1_j1ts8o3 wrote

You’re in luck - the WindX R2 has a southpaw variant. The GB should be running some time in Q1 of 2023.


eyi526 t1_j1ur4m6 wrote

Interesting. I’d check it out though the last wind’s colors were not appealing to me.


Laui_2000 t1_j1uu0ed wrote

The colour options are a lot better for R2.


eyi526 t1_j1uvrl5 wrote

Sounds good. I’ll give it a look!


stewartvm t1_j1wa4x8 wrote

I learnt to use the trackball left handed for that very reason.