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NJsKaz t1_j23udo9 wrote

Don’t go into debt for keyboards


tombom24 t1_j24vwc6 wrote

Lol love that I'm getting down voted for this. There's constantly photos posted of keyboard collections worth thousands of dollars and I get hate for putting $150 on credit


NJsKaz t1_j25gtbq wrote

I thinks it’s more the fact you mentioned credit I’m not hating on you btw


tombom24 t1_j26p33y wrote

All good, I just think it's funny! I was just trying to be a bad influence and in hindsight should have added /s


NJsKaz t1_j25gx8i wrote

I personally have a 3k collection or more it’s just a warning to be careful with your funds and to put other more important things first