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QWERKey-UK t1_j1ymwhm wrote

Love the colour of that Keycult. I hope it has the burgundy alloy plate to go with it.


f134134 OP t1_j1yo37i wrote

Yes, the red is just lovely. The plate however is just the normal alum plate hahaha


QWERKey-UK t1_j1yoomw wrote


only joking... You can't really criticise anything about a Keycult.


f134134 OP t1_j1z93mt wrote

Actually, the initial plate that came with the board was faulty. It was too tight, it ruined my switch. KC customer service is super nice tho, emailed them and they sort it out for me pretty quick.


StayFrosty7 t1_j20n7ku wrote

Eh tbh considering their fiasco with commissions I’m surprised they aren’t under as much fire as Rama at this point


QWERKey-UK t1_j22wbby wrote

I am referring to the boards, not the people. :)


StayFrosty7 t1_j22zpxw wrote

Oops my b! Having opened one up and having used quite a few, I'm almost inclined to agree! the boards certainly aren't worth the aftermarket prices but man they are incredible pieces of work.

Any criticism past the recent falling qc is mostly up to personal preference, really!