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Deadbolt11 t1_j201wh5 wrote

Reply to comment by k4zie in Novelkeys - Poor Customer Service by k4zie

>I made that suggestion because other vendors have done that in the past.

So because company x does y, every company should do y?

>I can see that you are very determined in just defending their position, and that's fine. But if you're really being objective, why does the fact that they acted as if it could ONLY be my fault not resonate with you?

I am being objective based on the evidence available, you're seeing this through very rose colored glasses. You're saying they did x, you're saying they did y, they showed the picture you sent, which very clearly shows a pin stabbed that plastic. You haven't even shown us the exchanges with customer support. We can't be objective as you haven't given us anything to be objective with, we only have your side of the story fed through your bias.

>As I said to someone else a minute ago, that's the sole reason I posted this. A vendor should not treat their customers like they can only be at fault. Do you honestly think that's unreasonable?

You haven't posted anything that supports this statement. Not a screenshot, not a sentence.


okayzimbabwe t1_j206zca wrote

Guaranteed the communication with support is less than desireable to share publicly lmao


k4zie OP t1_j202aup wrote

Ok, you're not being objective. You're just pushing back on me based on assumptions.

Have a good one 👍


Deadbolt11 t1_j202fkr wrote

>Ok, you're not being objective. You're just pushing back on me based on assumptions.

Neither are you