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cromagnongod t1_j6inv96 wrote

Always research before doing a group buy, you can post a question on the sticky in this subreddit. But it's important to know who the people that are making the keyboard are, what are the average wait times and whether or not people have had many bad experiences with them.
I'm sad group buys even exist but it makes sense for the smaller manufacturers to get the cash to make something before they actually make it.


uchigaytana t1_j6kxwhr wrote

Even then, some group buys just go under despite the creator's reputation. For example, the whole Charue Design situation: The owner completely disappeared a few months ago, has been ignoring all contact, the website was shut down, and now he's been disputing chargebacks. And before all of this, the guy had a great reputation -- he was even the moderator of r/mechmarket.


cromagnongod t1_j6lnlkc wrote

scary stuff. But then again, if you didn't gamble - there'd be much fewer keyboards you could get your hands on
