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swartzrnner t1_j63gxqz wrote

If I were to get one would you recommend lunes lavenders or stock cream blues?


maxmalkav t1_j63h9sh wrote

Stock Creams feel smoother than stock CS Lavender and they are even a bit cheaper. I’d go with Cream Blues. I’ve not tried lubed lavenders yet (only stock) so I don’t know if live is a game changer here.


swartzrnner t1_j63heg2 wrote

Nice! Ok thanks! I’m waiting on Boba U4ts to come in and I’m itching to try another switch lol


maxmalkav t1_j63ht14 wrote

I understand U4Ts are top tier, you’ll need something with its own well defined “character” to really find something different and satisfying.

Maybe you can check linear ones like KTT Strawberry, they are quite good and smooth.


swartzrnner t1_j63i14k wrote

Yeah I’m relatively new to mechanical switches, used some gateron blues on a gaming keyboard for years so I’ve never used/tried linear much but that’s because I didn’t like the emptyness of the press.


maxmalkav t1_j63icu8 wrote

I used to think the same, but with the right setup (keys, plate, case) they can be quite satisfying. I abandoned clicky ones though 😅

Have fun exploring the hobby, it’s all about the journey :-)