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Fluid_Stand9699 t1_j6j4j78 wrote

Sound is subjective in my opinion. I would say you shouldn’t trust what people say about differences or similarities due to environmental factors like different setups, different mics used to record, different interpretations, …etc. Instead utilize mods to adjust sounds to your liking by applying a mod then testing it out. Worrying about sound differences between different PCBs when there are other factors that affect it more wouldn’t do you any good.


CodeOConductViolator OP t1_j6jjesr wrote

I guess that’s fair. What about the feel? It seems like the effect of flex-cuts really depends on the plate material. For example you wouldn’t feel it on a steel plate but on a PC plate you might.


Fluid_Stand9699 t1_j6k3knn wrote

Yes, what you said is exactly true. The plate material definitely affects flexibility. A PC plate will have greater flex than a steel plate. If you want greater flex, it is actually better to opt for a half plate or plateless build for maximum flex, but of course, you are sacrificing the stability of switches and sound. Of course, the mounting style also affects the flex. A gasket-mounted keyboard typically has greater flex than a traditional tray-mount keyboard. However, the plate material definitely affects it more.

Edit: Of course, I want to note that these assumptions are based upon the sources here: Ways to manipulate sound profile of keyboard:

Methods determining flex: