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UltraCitron t1_j5l0zum wrote

Almost didn't realize this is a 3D render


yParticle t1_j5m4kfr wrote

The pristine alpha Tutor was a bit of a giveaway. That card would have seen serious use back in the day!


freebird185 t1_j5mckld wrote

Also, no "Deckmaster" on the back of the card deck


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5mhea2 wrote

Holy macaroni I didn't see that missing from my texture.... Good catch


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5m52rs wrote

Very true. I can scuff them up, but I want to look at the ideal not the reality.


Juls317 t1_j5n02xa wrote

I assumed it was just a stack of fresh proxies


jibjabmikey t1_j5mm906 wrote

Whoa. What was the tell tale? I still can’t find one and I’ve done a decent number of renderings before


Nhojj_Whyte t1_j5n02cu wrote

I might be biased now that I know that it's a render, but something about the mug and it's contents... idk, just doesn't strike me as a liquid, too pristine maybe. Just a mirrored surface trying to look like black coffee or something.


yParticle t1_j5n1hg6 wrote

A couple of bubbles along the edge, perhaps?


Nhojj_Whyte t1_j5n2b0q wrote

Yeah, something. I don't do much pouring of coffee into ceramic mugs, and never this black, but I'd think you could see some small bubbles, foam at the edge, and it's not that HD but maybe even condensation or steam around it. It's just too perfect imo


jibjabmikey t1_j5nd15d wrote

I see what you mean. Well OP, you did good nonetheless. Cinema 4D? 3D Studio Max?


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5o9f5x wrote

I used blender for this one I have recently moved away from C4D cause they've hamstrung the modding/plug-in community. Still learning Cycles


jibjabmikey t1_j6f6pse wrote

Nice. Yeah Blender has been making huge strides.


Tifereth4 t1_j5phklk wrote

Black coffee usually has a spots of oil from the brew process on the surface. Could be one way of adding that extra "touch." Otherwise overall fantastic render!! I do renders for landscapes and love to see them in other fields...especially ones I've gone into the deep end and spent billions of dollars in. I am both a MTG player of 20 years and mech keyboard hobbyist/enthusiast. RIP wallet.


gilium t1_j5myw5q wrote

I always have trouble identifying one thing in photos like this. I usually get the vibe that it’s just β€œoff” like an uncanny valley type thing. Others have mentioned the condition of the face-up card, but I personally think that the lighting/glare on the upper left corner of the keeb strikes me as artificial when I look closely


Gleem_ t1_j5ocn9y wrote

I've been playing mtg for around 20 years and you don't often see a stack of absolutely perfect condition cards like that. Even if you literally just opened them from a pack there's going to be a little bit of wear on them.


Memeboius t1_j5kbp2z wrote

If an Elder scrolls set ever comes out, I'm in.


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5kev24 wrote

I think clackeys has done some work with them. I am pretty sure it was an artisan. Ask in their discord and they might have info.


Memeboius t1_j5mfmp7 wrote

Thanks for the info! I didn't think it would be a thing tbh.


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5k2ae7 wrote

With Neon Dynasty delivering we wanted everyone to get a second chance at getting in on Classic Magic. The new IFK quality is excellent.

Go to to join in!

The board is the Sela70 which should be in GB soon.


MooseCadets t1_j5k9y7w wrote

These are awesome! Would this mean there is a chance for non-classic (I guess modern?) Magic set?


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5kkqsw wrote

I have been chatting with the mother of machines... we will see what she approves ;)


MooseCadets t1_j5kouzd wrote

I'll be preparing the altar ;) Extra offerings for Colemak/Dvorak support as well!


Geister_faust t1_j5kgoge wrote

Patrick Bateman shaking experience looking at those colors. Amazing.


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5kk6l6 wrote

We've pre color matched everything, so we know its gonna look great!


honeybeesh t1_j5ksnb9 wrote

nice tutor


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5ktftm wrote

Used to have 3 revised tutors... You ever just want to go back in time and smack yourself on the back of the head ;)


Vomath t1_j5l5dmb wrote

I sold playsets of each dual land at around $10 each. 😭


mrouija213 t1_j5mdri6 wrote

I felt bad as a kid buying revised dual lands for $15/ea. Fast forward to now and I feel like high school me was a much better investor than adult me...


vim_for_life t1_j5lz2cv wrote

I think I have 1-2 if they're from 4th edition? Been a LONG time since I've pulled those cards out..


yParticle t1_j5m4zb6 wrote

I may have been the dude who bought them from you at a tourney. They got pretty worn before getting resold.


honeybeesh t1_j5kts03 wrote

aww man, Im sorry


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5kty1s wrote

Ahh it is what it is, I avoid looking up what my old collection was worth to avoid that pain. :D


HoldmyPenguin t1_j5kw0m2 wrote

If it makes you feel better many many years ago I sold my (unpowered) Oath deck for 600.


Super_Harsh t1_j5mkk78 wrote

I sold my Unlimited Duals in early 2021, months before they tripled due to the crypto boom.


ThirtyFerret t1_j5l0y6o wrote

Love the Mtg posts. Featuring my favorite color too 🀘


Sp6rda t1_j5rkh9c wrote

I really wish brown was more popular or at least made more often.


mr_ywg t1_j5kkn87 wrote

Those symboles are trademarks is this officially licenced by Hasbro/WotC?


Temanyl t1_j5kvouw wrote

Is there an Option to ship to Germany? Perhaps I am just not seeing it?


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5kw0xr wrote

Im afraid not, our license limits us to North America.

I hear sneaker people use forwarding services to get geo locked sneakers.


Temanyl t1_j5kxcf4 wrote

Thanks. I will use our US Office. Someone of my company has to bring it over than.


cuspacecowboy86 t1_j5l3xva wrote




You should name it MagicCoffee


Cheeky_postman t1_j5ldc6p wrote

Took me a minute to realise it was a W, not some tits


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5lqfvb wrote

You know, Art Nouveau Extras should be available soon ;)


nykwil t1_j5luczd wrote

Tutor flex


MrHaant t1_j5lwncl wrote

Love the aesthetic!


allidoiswin11 t1_j5mf43m wrote

Any updates on the Terror Below and Art Nouveau sets? Art Nouveau was ETD Q2 2022 lol


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5midru wrote

Yeah Terror Below is fully color matched and awaiting production. Art Nouveau has been produced and should be shipping out soon. COVID lockdowns in China really hurt MWs production.


allidoiswin11 t1_j5mir39 wrote

Awesome. I'm so fracking excited man! Thanks for the updates 🀘🏻


jtowndtk t1_j5mks8r wrote

great color scheme

great crossover with mtg

great musical reference

10 points to gryffindor


ChakaZG t1_j5mwd5o wrote

That Magic font instantly reminds me of Morrowind, and seeing it on a keyboard makes me unreasonably moist.


Cloakedbug t1_j5nfpdn wrote

God the font here is so damn ugly. It just does not translate well at all from the card style. Just one of the worst aesthetic sets I’ve seen on here, and a blatant cash grab partnering with a terrible company (WotC) as well.


playmike5 t1_j5nh7ws wrote

Hope to see a phyrexian set someday, I would be on that so fast you’d blink and miss it.


tresfaim t1_j5nr62x wrote

UU or tutored!


Do_You_Even_Repost t1_j5o72hv wrote

pin your comment to the website instead of having to search for it


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5odeu5 wrote

Im not sure I can do that. I dont see the option. I would love to learn how.


corymrussell t1_j5opgno wrote

You again!

Stahp! You're making me want this set.
Also, You need a sweaty glass leaving condensation rings on the mat


uncledunker t1_j5m46fw wrote

Drop needs to hurry up with a DCX Noctua set. Instant buy for me.


MixMstrMike t1_j5nnsyb wrote

the legend is gross, but that color scheme mmmmmm


Jam3sN0rman t1_j5ohzm8 wrote

The key caps pay homage to older sets of MTG but the desk mats are from recent sets?


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5ok0gl wrote

We do have some limitations to the artwork we have access to.


EmmOnRoids t1_j5p0kg5 wrote

bruh that keyboard is 😩😩


apotrope t1_j5kyb8w wrote

I see WotC, I downvote.


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5l0s54 wrote

you must be fun at parties.


lecorsair t1_j5l33cl wrote

Straight to the personal attack move, lol.


apotrope t1_j5l1gvg wrote

If it's any consolation I do this for any brand that's been tainted by the poor behavior of it's owner. Harry Potter for example. Your board looks nice, but I firmly believe that to truly fix culture problems that the answer is to erase things from the culture. Ideally, Harry Potter, MtG, and D&D would all be culturally isolated to the point where no one remembers them in a few generations. The same goes for all modern Republican ideas.


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5l1z7e wrote

Nevermind that I am a fan of the game and have been working on this since well before the 25th Anniversary BS and the OGL BS.