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SlashdotDiggReddit t1_j5ymrnz wrote

I just finished building mine, and I have a few ... "problem" switches, meaning it takes way too much pressure to activate. Did you experience this at all?


Hootinnanny87 t1_j66sq68 wrote

I have this issue! Did you end up resolving it? It seems that 1/3 of my keys require excessive force.


maelal t1_j6cfq2k wrote

I'm having this issue too. I was on the verge of taking it all apart to see if I made a mistake in the build.


Hootinnanny87 t1_j6ct0x2 wrote

Yeah, I tore the board apart and got down to the pcb and switches being mounted together. I literally picked it up. And pressed each switch into the pcb to seat it. It’s perfect now you do need to confirm each switch is fully inserted into the pcb, good luck!


SlashdotDiggReddit t1_j6jh4bd wrote

No, I have not, and I am getting a little annoyed. Take a look at THIS. I contacted their support and they replied one time last week with:

> "Can you try to adjust the metal contact to allow the pin inserting?"

Which I tried a little but cannot without damaging the board ... I believe. I have email'd them three times since their initial response and they have not responded to me. At this point, I am going to start advising against ordering from KBDcraft.


Hootinnanny87 t1_j6k0wb5 wrote

I’m sorry to hear, mine was simply pressing the contacts in further. I will say I am very disappointed as I didn’t get the brick that is supposed to be under the usb cord and they responded by saying they knew that kits were missing it but it was fine. So now I need to pay to source one brick because they don’t care, very disappointing.


Reddit_newguy24 OP t1_j5yy6yg wrote

Yes I did but I ended up pressing the switches down harder into the board and it seemed to have fixed it.