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Emu_Lockwood t1_j5vttg2 wrote

I didn't know we could use these on mobile and gave it a shot. averaged 50 wpm typing with thumbs on mobile and average 110 wpm touch typing on keyboard. I used to hit 140+ easily in high-school, I would like to thank my time in runescape for that, and I have made it a personal goal to get back to that. I sit down for 20 mins a day as often as I remember and just practice, went from 80 wpm to 110 in a couple of weeks. It just takes practice, some deliberate some not so much (typing quickly in game between rounds or when something spicy is happening).


Mangokitty27 OP t1_j5vtz56 wrote

I have macros for trash talking in league lol. No fast typing needed


Emu_Lockwood t1_j5wkkfa wrote

I gonna sound old af but insert old dude voice back in my day we didn't have no fancy schmancy macros to talk shit, we had to type it out letter by letter, and we was better for it /s


Silentism t1_j5wur3d wrote

No /s needed, its 100% true lmao. I had the highest wpm back in high school because of it


tiniyt t1_j5xzwxe wrote

I never thought of testing my WPM speed on mobile, either! I just tested it, and I surprisingly got 81WPM. I knew I typed fast on the phone but not this high, lol. On pc I’m 100-130 WPM range.


Mangokitty27 OP t1_j5vmu7v wrote

i feel like it necessary to state that i dont use my thumbs for typing, i hit space with my left pointer finger, my thumbs are literally doing nothing


stonewow1 t1_j5xbf5w wrote

Take a look at some more ergo keyboards with more thumb keys. You can put some of the letters there. Otherwise keep typing you'll improve for sure


Noob4Head t1_j5xiry9 wrote

totally different for me on keyboard I've got about 100-110 WPM average with some scores going into the 120-135 range but on phone pfffhaha I think I struggle to get 30 WPM or so.


[deleted] t1_j5xtp4v wrote

LOL... I'm useless on the phone. Mine is minutes per word when I'm using the phone.. :)


OpTic_Nibba t1_j5xxt2l wrote

i just tried it and got 68 on my first try with the same accuracy as you. about half my usual keyboard speed lol


Hikiino t1_j5y7h92 wrote

Two weeks back I used to hunt and peck and do 60wpm. Now I type with all 10 and do 60wpm. Must say tho, touch typing is satisfying af