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RagingLeonard t1_ja8zj8c wrote

It's because your music sucks.

-Gen X


patronsaintpizza t1_ja8zm5r wrote

Well why don’t I just go crawl in a hole and die?


Real_Car6548 t1_ja90up9 wrote

Don’t feel bad at all. Music is personal preference. Gen x gen z millennials boomers…Sooners,zoomers,beanie babies, teletubbies, tinkywinky lala and the big homie poe. Ravens….I could go on. But a persons preference will still be a preference they chose 😂 dnt box me up bro. I dnt ship for one flat rate. You will no t understand. And probably respond as such. No matter. That’s a fire line up


patronsaintpizza t1_ja916zr wrote

I used to be with it. Then they changed what it is. Now, what I’m with isn’t it. And what is it seems weird and strange to me. It’ll happen to you too.


Real_Car6548 t1_ja91pzo wrote

Honestly man. Point taken on the highest level. They did this to me already and they are doing it to Gen z and gen x. What’s worse is they will never have a childhood and it’s like they dnt mind. After highschool I stopped following trends. Now following tends literally leads to the grave and these folks seem to think the afterlife is cool somehow? Not sure. But the line up is fire man no question. Music across time is fire when you find the gems. I’m still in con funk love train found from my gmas era


Real_Car6548 t1_ja91zr9 wrote

Also, have you seen the things of today. Does one really want to be WITH that? Hard pass.


patronsaintpizza t1_ja923nl wrote

You speak the tru tru


Real_Car6548 t1_ja946sb wrote

Gracias mi amigo—-I’m not Spanish I just like how that comes across—-ah the tru tru……wishing you all life and copious snu snu….gitter done


star_witness1 t1_ja9d3lr wrote

I try, but people keep waking me up and telling me it's time to go to work.


No_Particular_490 t1_ja9288i wrote

Your right, who needs artists to PLAY thier instruments or WRITE thier own music or really do anything beyond make tweets and tiktoks


Traditional_Bag_5457 t1_ja918z4 wrote

Gen Z here and Dance Yrself Clean is brilliant. Hell, that whole album is top notch


smittyis t1_ja933qx wrote

Gen X - that was the one track listed that I liked

And agreed.....killer album


penguinchange t1_ja92djr wrote

I mean I’m a millennial and don’t mind 311 , definitely a high school obsession of mine but I would never subject ppl to 311 in public lol


patronsaintpizza t1_ja92how wrote

But it was some 311 deep cuts tho. Lmao.


penguinchange t1_ja92ozg wrote

Eons and sever i agree are chill but I don’t know about the others.. can’t remember them. Anything with SA Martinez rapping is a bold choice around non born in the 90s white kids lol


kemphasalotofkids t1_ja91w1c wrote

Music is often an emotional experience for people...and since we all have vastly different life experiences...we all gravitate towards certain music.


ElderGenX t1_ja92uz2 wrote

My GenZ 16 yo son doesn’t much like my music library even tho it hella broad. I’m mostly grunge goth psych punk rocky. I don’t take it too personal & try to listen to his ye, childish gambino, Tyler tha creator, Kendrick Lamar, JID, etc


ricardo9505 t1_ja91nf1 wrote

How is it you ppl don't understand this yet. Every kids favorite music is the crap they heard is from like 15-22. New music falls short cause the nostalgia ain't there and that's huge. Go ahead, talk to your uncle or parents about music.


budtuglyfuncher t1_ja93lrb wrote

My brotha, it's not a generational thing. You just have bad taste. From a fellow millennial


patronsaintpizza t1_ja93shw wrote

And that’s fine, I’m extremely unapologetic about my tastes. And I do think it’s better than yours, whatever it may be.


michal_hanu_la t1_ja94bz0 wrote

And that is why one usually uses nice headphones at work.

One can listen to one's own music and also signal that one is not to be talked at.


patronsaintpizza t1_ja94my9 wrote

See I usually do that, but this girl was like, hey if you want to play some music today go for it.

I should’ve known better. She put the kabash on it real quick


SogekingHumor t1_ja92m7s wrote

Funny how a lot of people like my playlist and a lot of them have laughed about my choice of music. You do you. I simply love music and I think anything that makes you groove or move is what you should listen too. Fuck everybody else. The same is with food and movies for me.


DarkChanting t1_ja92vqr wrote

Just play some R.E.M. for them and you'll become the most popular person in the office.


MukdenMan t1_ja94k3r wrote

Hey, kids, rock and roll, nobody tells you where to go


Dil_Moran t1_ja9346d wrote

fucking sleep token

On a djent meme page I like to frequent sleep token are our favourite band


patronsaintpizza t1_ja93bb2 wrote

Fam, I’m convinced Sleep Token could unite the world


Dil_Moran t1_ja9rd8n wrote

They've united the djent group into realising we despise sleep token


Top-Objective-2732 t1_ja937ju wrote

District Sleeps Tonight is classic, Five Feet Apart Fans can relate. Anyone else can see the door


cr0wj4ne t1_ja926nl wrote

Ask them for music recommendations and give recommendations back based on what they seem to like.


Top-Objective-2732 t1_ja95cdp wrote

I play my own music and if they have something to say, play your own music then don’t hate on mine. 😒


maverick57 t1_ja92c6u wrote

Sometimes Pop Culture can make you feel old.

One day, you'll be watching TV and you'll see a promo for Saturday Night Live and you'll realize that you don't know who that person is that is hosting. And you've never heard of the musical act either. Shortly after that, you'll feel liver spots bursting on your arm.


Fish_On_again t1_ja92isk wrote

No one except the boomers like it when I play Phish, Billy Strings, Allman Bros and Grateful Dead. Oh well.


patronsaintpizza t1_ja92s6d wrote

I don’t know how you do it. I’m 37, I’ve heard classic rock all my life. I’m so over every fuckin classic rock song. If I never hear paint it black again it’ll be too soon.


MarkPhish t1_ja93irt wrote

Paint it black sucks, not going to stop me from listening to some of the greatest music ever made


patronsaintpizza t1_ja94hb5 wrote

I mean I’m never gonna stop listening to Floyd or Fleetwood, but I just can’t stand Tom Petty, AC/DC, the Boss, etc. I don’t even think Peter Frampton gets a pass anymore. Ooh baby I love you way? Ugh

No offense to Mr McDonald, but if I have to hear “Ya Mo be there” one more time I’m going to ya mo burn this place to the ground.


MarkPhish t1_ja955rc wrote

Then listen to what you can stand. It's a pretty simple solution. Tom petty sucks. I don't go an listen to him same with AC/DC There is plenty of good music out there.

It's pretty easy to avoid music u don't like


NJShadow t1_ja964x6 wrote

>I don’t even think Peter Frampton gets a pass anymore. Ooh baby I love you way? Ugh

PLEASE tell me you've listened to "Do You Feel Like We Do" in full.


Fish_On_again t1_ja93l8k wrote

Deep cuts and live music. Also, I will never get enough of the stones' song "can't you hear me knockin". A new-ish band that I'm really into right now is King Gizzard.


patronsaintpizza t1_ja93x6w wrote

I have given King Giz a try yet. I’ll check em out.


Fish_On_again t1_ja94uzp wrote

Their last two albums are very easy on the ears. Every single person I've played Laminated Denim for has absolutely loved it.


CadeChaos t1_ja92ms3 wrote

Well what do they like?


argus_rising t1_ja93bfh wrote

Those are definitely some choice 311 deep cuts. I absolutely loved 311’s first four major label albums as a kid, but found everything from Soundsystem onwards to be diminishing returns with moments of brilliance. Sever and Eons happened to be two of those moments. Beautiful, haunting songs hidden under the trademark 311 white-boy fonkiness. Haven’t listened to those in years….thanks for the trip down memory lane.


NJShadow t1_ja949kn wrote

Even if you're just talking about better options for your artists.. for example, there's much better content from Gambino than "Retro."

Would much more suggest "Life: The Biggest Troll."

I wouldn't call your taste in music horrible, but most of it sounds like the background music in a TV show as opposed to anything you would listen to for pleasure or any amount of emotion.

If you're going to go down the semi-calm route, like most of your music suggests, why is there no M84, Aurora, or something with more rhythm or emotion? I find most of those just plain boring.

Also, yeah, fellow Millenial.

Side note: Most of the music from Gen-Z or modern artists is so bad, most of your selections should be considered 10/10 classics at this point, even if I don't personally vibe to them.


jdeezy t1_ja94hz8 wrote

Just play girl talk - night ripper on repeat


StatusQuotidian t1_ja94ld5 wrote

In the spirit of compromise, you should add some Five Nights At Freddie's fan music by artists like Try Hard Ninja. Z'ers love that shit.


welackscience t1_ja94orq wrote

No death cab at work! I thought that was an agreed upon millennial rule?


MukdenMan t1_ja94w66 wrote

You’re losing your edge, to better-looking people with better ideas and more talent. And they're actually really, really nice.


[deleted] OP t1_ja95ymy wrote

Neither do the Gen Xers...


40dawgger t1_ja96555 wrote

I'm Gen Z but believe Incubus to be brilliant all around. I think 311 is garbage though.


Slight_Purpose_9092 t1_ja96w4a wrote

Not sure why people are being so aggressive. There's nothing wrong with anything on that list. Except 311.


ObieUno t1_ja99r2m wrote

311 are the best musicians to ever do it.

Shoutout to OP for playing Transistor and Soundsystem!


Notinyourbushes t1_ja910xt wrote

No reason a Gen Xer shouldn't like those. DCFC/Postal Service and 311 are all basically 90s bands. Childish Gambino is good. They're just musically stunted.
