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master_of_salmon t1_j9ond7h wrote

You’re wrong. Pound for pound, CDs are easily the best in sound quality.

As far format, I couldn’t disagree more as well. If you aren’t an idiot, CDs are way easier to use than vinyl. You have to reallllly scratch them to make them not work. Vinyl takes way longer to setup. The clicks and pops aren’t worth the payoff. You can almost instantly play a song with a CD and change songs easily. If the digital age didn’t happen so quickly, CDs would be the most beloved way to listen to music.

Vinyl is so overrated, I can’t handle it. Who wants to spend $50 on a Deluxe Reisssue limited edition 10 year anniversary Vinyl from an album you’ve already listened to a million times? Stop spreading misinformation. Vinyl will die out again.


HecatombCometh t1_j9sk3j9 wrote

"Sound quality per unit of mass" is an odd metric but I guess I can't argue with it.

If you had worked your way through my entire comment you'd have gotten the gist that I don't consider vinyl to be superior to CD. I know that's a big ask, though—to read a whole entire comment before branding it "misinformation".