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lordbub t1_ja0ku4j wrote

but i'm obviously talking about recorded music


piepants2001 t1_ja0mssa wrote

Okay, but honing your craft by playing it in front of an audience or having a second opinion of a producer are both invaluable things that many self-produced artists don't have nowadays, which can and do produce mediocre results. You said that there is more good music nowadays, and I don't really agree with that statement. There is more music, but I wouldn't say that there is more "good" music, if anything I would say there is about the same amount of "good" music, with a LOT more mediocre stuff to wade through to find the "good" stuff.


lordbub t1_ja0nj4n wrote

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying that great music can just as easily come out of not having a producer who might mess with an artist's vision. some of my favorite albums are from artists who never played live beforehand. You can disagree about there being more good music now than before, and thats fine. But what i'm saying is that the availablity of making recorded music has resulted in more music coming out every week that I enjoy, and I'm fine with there being more bad music that comes out too. afterall, I never have to listen to the bad music again, and now I have the opportunity to listen to great music that might not have been able to be created that way 20+ years ago.