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MDS1138 t1_j96zfah wrote

My favorite conductor joke:

What's the difference between an orchestra and a bull?

On a bull, the horns are in front and the asshole's in the back.


I took a conducting class when I was a music student, and as a kid who played in rock bands, the only frame of reference I had for coordinating an ensemble was maybe 3-5 people playing a song together? So it was easy for me to think, "Well, if everyone knows the music front and back, they're in tune, and they start and end at the same time, what do they need this guy for?" But when you imagine an orchestra of 70-100 players who are meant to sound like one big well-oiled machine, it does become necessary to have a central figure dictating tempo, balance, dynamics and overall feel.


publishAWM t1_j97dc0j wrote

a friend of mine showed me this video of the EVE online game soundtrack as performed by an orchestra. there are moments where the ensemble is executing a feel that's extremely hard to achieve among a large group of people.

truly remarkable performance 💯🏆

EVE Online Game Sountrack performed by an orchestra