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Prestigious_Toe2151 t1_j97vd3x wrote

It may not be obvious, but the musicians are constantly looking at the conductor. Many many quick peeks in between reading music. Playing in a orchestra requires a high level of multi tasking. My college director would often give subtle volume instructions if i were playing to loud, or needed to play louder. Eyes always met because everyone is always looking at him. Conductor has that position at the front of the performers, he can hear the ensemble's sound as a whole. And he's elevated so everyone can see him easily.


TerminationClause OP t1_j9dy7gs wrote

It doesn't look like the players ever look at the conductor, but the camera keeps moving around for a reason. Clever. I suppose there's always the deus ex machina that creates the magic.


Prestigious_Toe2151 t1_j9f1ne8 wrote

It's usually just the eyeballs moving. Peripheral vision (front/ upper peripheral? I don't know the term for it) plays a part as well.