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bbistheman t1_jacl6df wrote

I was thinking the same thing lol. They still exist


geo_mallory t1_jactpv9 wrote

And they still talk music with you.


SatV089 t1_jadmazg wrote

Record store employees are top tier douchebags up their with bike shops and instrument shops. They're all condescending until you put em in their place with some knowledge.


ryuundo t1_jadtzll wrote

The hell kind of attitude is that? Do you think every record store owner is like the High Fidelity guys?


Jwishh t1_jadvttr wrote

Have not had that experience with most of the stores I’ve been to


pimpvader t1_jadlrfw wrote

They do, but they are fewer and farther between as years go by, at least in my location