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ryan_knight_art t1_j9zdrxa wrote

Creep was their first hit no? I love it tbh - it has that Nirvana/90s quiet then loud feel to it… it was probably because this was the sound that was popular at the time. I love Radiohead and I think this is from Pablo Honey? Their first album, you can see that they are working on their signature sound but not there yet… another good one from this album is High and Dry (If I’m getting the album right)


Mission-Detail-4085 t1_j9zsgz9 wrote

Nah, High and Dry is on The Bends which came right after Pablo Honey


ryan_knight_art t1_ja0fbcy wrote

Ah okay my mistake… yeah the Bends was a very similar album to Pablo Honey, now that I am remembering it… let me look it up… ah yes a lot of good ones her: Street Spirit, Just, Fake Plastic Trees… Here we see Radiohead becoming the Radiohead we know and love