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CadeChaos t1_ja4k56a wrote

Dave Mustane is a pain the ass. I wouldn't give a fuck about what he thinks


Flappsy OP t1_ja4kqzi wrote

True but he did do black magic in his second album so i don't think hes as dumb as people think.


LocalConspiracy138 t1_ja4qrzn wrote

Magic isn't real. Neither are vibes, energies (in a non scientific context), or superstition. They can seem pretty real to individuals though. Magical thinking and paranoia are signs of significant mental health issues. Please seek help, they can get out of control. Something similar happened to my dad.


Flappsy OP t1_ja4r5go wrote

Oh damn, was he alright?


LocalConspiracy138 t1_ja4sn0y wrote

No. He's lost everything but his job. He's self employed, but his client list is declining because he shares his paranoid delusions with anyone who will listen.

He refuses help and has dove so deep into it, even family have distanced from him.

A small part of what he explained to me was how he can only watch specific things or listen to specific music because otherwise demons will possess him from it.


Flappsy OP t1_ja4t19z wrote

Okay yeah thats a bit much. I just don't like super negative music.


LocalConspiracy138 t1_ja4wul3 wrote

Thoughts like that can spiral though, especially when you add attributes to those thoughts and they aren't correlated.

For example, if you listen to Cannibal Corpse and something bad happens to you, you might think one had happened because of the other, when really both are unconnected events and the bad thing would've happened if you didn't listen to anything at all. You are thinking about somehow there is a connection and there isn't. It's likely a string of events totally unrelated to whatever was going on in your headphones that you connected with the idea of vibes are real. I think it falls under Apophenia in psychology.

Don't let it get out of control or you might eventually hear Ozzy on the radio at a restaurant and move into a 4 room basement house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by out buildings, metal towers, and storage trailers to avoid government surveillance and demons like my dad.


Flappsy OP t1_ja6o5y7 wrote

Yeah i understand. Im not crazy tho i just dont wanna listen to music thats negative as i said.