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M-atthew147s t1_j9isd6q wrote

No it's not.

Exclusively??? It's 'exceedingly common' to really like an album and listen to that a heck of a lot in a short period of time. But to 'almost exclusively' listen to it for 2 months is absolutely ridiculous.

People here clearly don't know what exclusively means...


lellololes t1_j9jr3s7 wrote

I dunno, when I was younger and bought albums I sure as hell would listen to them over and over - maybe in part because I didn't have an unlimited supply of new music. Even today when I encounter something new these days I'll listen to it a lot. I think "exclusively" probably falls a bit on the ADD or OCD side, but "listening to one album more than everything else combined" is definitely quite common.

As with everything in life, there is a very wide range of ways that people interact with music.