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VampireHunterAlex t1_je7jzmr wrote

The difference is that it’s now easier than ever to be completely shut-off from whatever is considered popular these days. There’s plenty of great music out there, whether still being created or from the massive catalog available. I think the last Taylor Swift song I can recall is Shake it Off, and that’s gotta be pushing a decade old now, yet I’m aware she’s arguably the biggest star out there in music.


JaredTheRed t1_je7jt73 wrote

Not the best example, but tik tok's influence has changed how a lot of artists orchestrate their music. A lot of songs currently have their "drop" in the beginning as opposed to later because they have to hook audiences faster than waiting for it to hit. Doja Cat's - Streets (silhouette) is an an example I can think of immediately (even though Doja is FAR from a one hit wonder/the opposite) but it's part of a movement that inspired a "tik tok challenge". So lots more "1 hit wonder" types that I have personally noticed seem to be trying to capitalize on this.


suffaluffapussycat t1_je7nfy1 wrote

Tom Jones’ What’s New Pussycat is like that. No intro, no verse, just wham with the chorus right out of the gate.


JohnFolan t1_je7ndop wrote

You could live your life of a one hit wonder back in the day. Probably make like 40p these days with a one hit wonder.


nianp t1_je92bn3 wrote

I'd say that there are far more of them these days due to the easier methods of getting airplay.


terryjuicelawson t1_je96lkq wrote

It is probably a lot easier to be anonymous these days in music. And getting to number 1 isn't as big a deal - there was a time it felt like knowing who was big in the charts was unavoidable. They were on the one radio station you could tune into, on the chat shows on the few channels you could get, be on the back of the newspaper or magazines where you got all your news. Sales are much lower and it relies on streams. One hit wonders in the past there would be some kind of expectation to follow up with something, that would create interest in itself and airplay. If it flopped, people knew about it.


SaltyNutsss t1_jebo4h1 wrote

Feels like everyones a one hit wonder now a days...

Honestly i feel like music has gone from "This groub of artists are the top of this groub and they get advertised the most."


"Theres Milions of artists and everyone has their own list now with artist that pretty much no one else knows about"

Now im not saying that theres not very popular artists but i feel like its become more mainstream to listen to people with not such a big following istead of listening always to somelone like Eminem, Drake, Ariana grande, Post malone.

Back in the day "IM 17 SAYING THAT..." there was the big artists like, michael jackson rock bands like guns and roses, metallica, rappers like NWA, eminem, 2pac. But now you see alot more of the so called "UNDERGROUND" artists and more people listen to them than the main stream artists. Its very hard to explain but i hope someone understands.. :D