Submitted by slowlyun t3_127h7s1 in Music

It's clearly not a technically-masterful performance...but for sheer drama & variety I haven't heard any individual match it...and I say this as someone who enjoys Christian Vander warning in an alien language that the end of the world is nigh, Polly Harvey playing characters, Iva Bittová doing her addictive tourettes thing and Thom Yorke beautifully moaning all over the place.


Roger...who's performances in other albums are merely decent, somehow pulled something fantastically-unique out of his pipes for The Wall. It is a marvel, really.


I guess many won't whose performance would you choose? Preferably album-length (or maybe singular live performance).




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NukeHand t1_jee54z1 wrote

I love Pink Floyd but I’m having a really hard time disconnecting the artist from the music after what he’s done as of late.


Thetimmybaby t1_jee56xp wrote

I mean, Gilmour is better on the Wall than Waters. I don't know what you're taking but give me some.


feral_philosopher t1_jee6vb7 wrote

Had to google to find out what he said. Was it how he thinks Ukraine "provoked" Russia into war? Why do musicians get to voice their I'll informed opinions anyway? How could he have good information about this stuff anyway?


BlazedReaperX t1_jeesrvd wrote

Good luck getting upvoted with a post about roger waters. People on here can’t even survive on their own. Let alone be expected to separate art from an artists political opinions. 🫡


slowlyun OP t1_jeexmwr wrote

From your Link i only see people call him 'anti-semitic'. I see no examples or evidence why he should be so.

You got any such examples, evidence or quotes?

I hope you don't think that: 'criticism of Israeli-government policy = anti-semitism' - that would be quite a fascistic character-assassination.

Have a look at the definition of 'anti-semitism', then have a look at Roger's quotes. You'll see that there's no relation.

Calling critics of the Isreali government 'anti-semitic' is like calling critics of African governments 'racist'.

Not really helpful, is it? Historical fascist regimes used similar tactics to shut down debate. And anyone familiar with Roger's lyrics over the years is that if he's to be labelled anything with accuracy, it's 'anti-fascist'.

Hopefully with that cleared up, you can offer an on-topic opinion on the thread subject?


HeywoodPeace t1_jef4hqf wrote

Waters' best vocal performance was on Pros & Cons. So good he couldn't ever do it again and used several pre-recorded vocals to pull it off live (The high parts of Go Fishing, Running Shoes, the middle 8 of Every Stranger's Eyes). He put so much into that performance he ruined his voice for the rest of his life. Ever since then he's pretty much talked albums


Crustybuttt t1_jeffgw0 wrote

On topic, Syd Barrett was the best thing Floyd ever had going for it. Dave Gilmour is second. Roger is own biggest fan, but it’s Gilmour and Richard Wright that made his songs come alive


slowlyun OP t1_jefh3an wrote

I agree the band collectively are greater than the sum of their parts. Love all the 1967-1983 period. Once Roger left the Floyd albums became very watered down. Similar can be said of Roger's solo albums: without the rest of the band there is a particular magic missing.


It's a shame the Live8 gig didn't inspire a proper band reunion.


On Syd: he only really contributed to the debut album. Some fine dandy stuff, sure. Everything after that - up to Wish You Were Here - is a team effort by the rest. Roger, as we know, led the trio of albums between 1977-1983.


Putting aside your personal views on Roger's character, would you agree his vocals on The Wall studio album are quite extraordinary? You don't even have to personally like it, but objectively it's a hell of a performance!