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wigglerworm t1_jdnnrpp wrote

I remember a long winded conversation as a kid where my mom thought the lyrics were “do the lucky lady” my brother said no it’s “do it like a lady” mentioning the scene in Mrs. Doubtfire. My Dad neutral on the subject decided to sing it out loud as he went to the washroom to see if anyone corrected him. A waitress at the restaurant said “no it’s Dude looks like a lady” and after that peace was restored to the land <3


andropogon09 t1_jdnt0ky wrote

Dude Looks Like a Lady is the actual title of the song.


wigglerworm t1_jdnuklu wrote

This was back when people mainly heard songs on the radio and the DJ didn’t always say the name of every song, nor did my mom care to listen to the name because she thought she knew it. My brother and I were children.