Submitted by nat_cat1521 t3_122xubg in Music

I really like metal music and I told my mom that I like metal music. She likes soft rock and soul. Now in any conversation about music she brings up that I like metal music and she gives me this disapproving look. When I first told her she looked kind of mad. What do I do, because it makes me feel guilty for liking it?



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frodeem t1_jdsemsb wrote

If your parents hate the music you listen to, you are doing it right.


LoudTsu t1_jdsenhh wrote

Your parents are supposed to hate the music you like. Carry on.


steepleton t1_jdsc28v wrote

Now what kid would feel great if their mom actually approved of their music choice?

Music's how you first assert your individuality. It’s a right of passage for your parents to ask “what’s that noise” *

  • it’s the beastie boys

Licensed_Ignorance t1_jdsaaxv wrote

Different strokes for different folks.

Your mom doesn't have to like metal, or even the fact you listen to metal. But at the end of the day I wouldn't feel guilty about it. You like what you like, and if metal is what you enjoy, then go enjoy the hell out of it!


crrtis t1_jdse60u wrote

It’s just music, you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. If she doesn’t like it, that’s fine, she’ll eventually move past it.


sorengray t1_jdst2a3 wrote

Mom's aren't supposed to like metal. That's the whole point. Turn it up!


ExternalStory2238 t1_jdsb0ae wrote

If she judges you again for liking metal, just confront her and ask her to stop judging you. I know what you mean with metal, some people are into quicker beats. I dislike country but I'm not gonna judge someone if they listen to country.


AddytheNerd t1_jdse6nh wrote

I’m sorry she makes you feel bad for liking it. Kind of off topic, but I’m getting into metal, do you have any recommendations? I’d love for you to share your love of the genre with me


nat_cat1521 OP t1_jdsf2ec wrote

Mostly System of a Down, Linkin Park, Disturbed. Even Black Sabbath sometimes.


AddytheNerd t1_jdsfgp9 wrote

Thank you! I’ve Been enjoying Disturbed lately. Again, I’m sorry your mom acts that way. I’m also self conscious about my music so I only wear headphones haha


thisolddawg t1_jdsfkg4 wrote

Black Sabbath is the number one greatest metal band of all time, but Hell, I’d be upset too if my kids were listening to those other 3 bands

😂 I’m only playing, like what you like and never let anyone else make you question that.


iMogwai t1_jdsiv09 wrote

Like, I know everyone's supposed to be entitled to an opinion and all, but when someone starts trash talking SoaD or Linkin Park I'm willing to make an exception.


thisolddawg t1_jdsjv2d wrote

Ok? So what u gon do


iMogwai t1_jdskq5j wrote

Well, I just wrote a snarky comment, and if you're gonna talk back I might just have to write another one.


GenPhallus t1_jdsgu27 wrote

I'll toss in Killswitch Engage, Saul and Sevendust. I started getting more of them on one of my Pandora stations, loving it all


iMogwai t1_jdsimiq wrote

Not OP but I've been listening to a lot of Powerwolf recently, they're really good.


Agbb433 t1_jdsnubo wrote

I'll throw in megadeath for some goof thrash, mainly rust in peace. Judas priest, painkiller and breaking the paw are cult classics. I'd also add gojira and hail to the king as a single song. Marty friedmans solo stuff might also be worth a listen. Nine inch nails are pretty well liked, as are bring me the horizon


SMP013174 t1_jdt1l51 wrote

Megadeth has to be "peace sells" great album


SMP013174 t1_jdt1bxy wrote

Try Iron Maiden. Can't go wrong with the classics; Powerslave is a good starter album. The staples: Metallica, Megadeth, early Sepultura, wanna know some early thrash? Suicidal Tendencies' first couple of albums.


Extra-Profession-604 t1_jdsfv5g wrote

I feel your pain my mom used to judge me for getting drunk and sleeping in the hedges


plaidcladbrad t1_jdshvb5 wrote

Not sure if your family is religious but if so check out Fit for a King, Demon Hunter, Phinheas, oh, sleeper, for today, August burns red.... this list could go on. They are all christian metal and it'll be hard for her to give you grief about it being "evil".


ImJaxPhantomAcct t1_jdspd70 wrote

You feel guilt because there's almost an implicit disappointment but just gotta build up the callus to not care about that.


ChildhoodMassive t1_jdsq0un wrote

I wish more of my kids liked metal, my youngest is a Taylor Swift fan. As far removed from my favorites as can be.

Also my mom hated my music when I was in school as well. Eventually I gave her way more things to be disappointed in other than my taste in music. It'll pass


JakeyBGoode t1_jdsy9ww wrote

Taylor Swift has good music, her pop stuff is pretty flawless for what it is. The kids know better than us sometimes! :)


ChildhoodMassive t1_jdsymn9 wrote

She isn't my thing but I wasnt knocking her or anything. My kids can listen to whatever they want as long as there is no hate speech. I just meant that it's nothing close to what I listen to and it's fine with me. OPs mom needs to chill and I'm sure with time she will.


thisizusername t1_jdszqc6 wrote

Has she heard that one Danzig song? She might like it!


TLD18379 t1_jdte5yr wrote

A heart warming song about mothers


thisizusername t1_jdtel23 wrote

You can hear the love in his voice, 🎶oooohhhhh Moooootherrrrr!🎶


TLD18379 t1_jdteh2q wrote

I would fall asleep to Skinny Puppy’s “Too Dark Park” (not metal I know) my mom called it Nightmare Music. I slept just fine.


wargunindrawer t1_jdv2iq3 wrote

who gives a shit what your mum likes. Metal up your ass forever!


Deadmetal83 t1_jdw2vad wrote

Ask her if she's listened to it or if she's just being judgemental?


Grand-wazoo t1_jdsbuz3 wrote

Don’t sweat it. My wife is a choral teacher and she frowns upon my taste in metal simply because she can’t fathom how people scream like that without destroying their vocal chords. I try to tell her there’s specific vocal techniques just as with any style of singing that alleviates some of the damage but she just ain’t having it.

So she really won’t tolerate my love of Dying Fetus when she’s around. Just as well - I wait till she leaves for work and blast it and thrash around the living room instead.


srone t1_jdsmh91 wrote

Play her these two songs:

Ghost Love Score



Grand-wazoo t1_jdsnlt9 wrote

She has no problem with clean vocals in metal, it’s strictly the pig grunts and high screams she can’t deal with. She compliments the skill and musicianship of the instrumentals all the time.


srone t1_jdso10g wrote

Did you listen to all of Pisces?


Grand-wazoo t1_jdsq06p wrote

No, because she got onto me to turn it off once she stopped singing and started screaming.

What are you getting at with this song?


srone t1_jdsr5zp wrote

This is a good example that shows that growling, when done correctly, does not hurt your voice. The fact that she can go back and forth relatively effortlessly would be impossible if it was damaging.

I don't like that type of singing at all, but this song has really grown on me. I came across her through this video of a vocal coach that analyzed what she's doing.


95Keys t1_jdsfbkb wrote

it’s all just squiggles in the air


Bugslugs47 t1_jdsfpqq wrote

Turn the table upside down. Grab a few Al Jolson records and start singing along to them - very loud. Start with “Mammy”.

🎶Everything is lovely When you start to roam; The birds are singin', the day that you stray, But later, when you are further away, Things won't seem so lovely When you're all alone; Here's what you'll keep saying When you're far from home:

Mammy, Mammy, The sun shines east, the sun shines west, I know where the sun shines best Mammy, My little mammy.🎶

Don’t be surprised if she goes into therapy or hits you with a frying pan! Just tell her you’ve seen the error of your ways.



Agbb433 t1_jdsh7fb wrote

Just ignore her