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DevinBelow t1_jec3939 wrote

I prefer Freedom of Choice for Devo, but other than that, I agree 100%.


TheDudeOfYou t1_jec46gi wrote

Hard call, it Are We Men? Is just the best.

I would argue most deep Ramones fans prefer album 3 (“Rocket To Russia”) to the first album (which is a classic undeniably)


DevinBelow t1_jec54dh wrote

Those first four Ramones albums are really all perfect, but the debut is the template.


TheDudeOfYou t1_jec5xz6 wrote

Agree 💯. The first was the template. I personally feel the best songs are on the 3rd, and the production on the 4th is the best. I probably grab the 4th (“Road to Ruin”) the most.


DJMoneybeats t1_jecdmce wrote

Well put. The first 4 are perfect but the debut album changed a lot of lives, or at least the way we thought about music


DevinBelow t1_jece0m8 wrote

Yes. That first album was not just the template for the Ramones. I think its easily one of the 10 most important albums of all time.