Submitted by Mad_Season_1994 t3_11p5fhf in Music

I know this is a big ask and a bit vague so let me explain.

The vast majority of music I listen to was produced between the 1960's and 90's. Anything beyond that point I don't really listen to. I grew up on classic rock and my favorite band of all time is Pink Floyd. If I had to have a second, it might be Alice In Chains. But I've also listened to early blues like Robert Johnson and Muddy Waters, my favorite of the genre being Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Now, all that aside, I also feel like I'm missing out on today's stuff. Whether that be pop, electronic, etc. It just doesn't grab me like the older stuff does. Yet, I want to be able to connect with people from my generation who listen to modern music.

Again, I know this is a big ask, but I don't know how else to frame it. Anyone you can recommend, I'll look into.



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6Slay6er6 t1_jbw76f5 wrote

I’m not a fan of today’s pop music,but Ed Sheran has some good songs. I am much more into rock and metal. I love the band Plush (came out last year), The Warning (3 albums now), Ghost (been around 10 years,but still considered newer)


Paragon8384 t1_jbwg4gn wrote

Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase. (2015)

Haken - The Mountain (2013)

Thank You Scientist - Terraformer (2019)

Vulkan - Mask of Air (2011

Leprous - Malina (2017)

These albums are all worth your time.


Notinyourbushes t1_jbwtr6f wrote

My passion project right now is creating playlists for boomers and fellow Gen Xers who want to hear what they've been missing out on or want to know the state of rock and roll. I'm doing year by year (starting with 2011) and try to touch on most genres of rock. You'll occasionally get some jarring punk in there, but I'm trying to be as diverse as possible.

My 2011 playlist might be a good starting point.


phlebonaut t1_jbw8y2z wrote

Website Bandcamp has a selection of new music from different styles. And also some older acts too.


Over-Veterinarian110 t1_jbwbza5 wrote

Greta Van Fleet is an awesome newer band that has some serious Pink Floyd vibes, you would probably love them. Keep on rocking and don’t sip the pop tea 🤘


Nightgasm t1_jbwctpq wrote

Sarcasm or just continuing the joke that GVF participates in by never mentioning the band they actually sound like? I actually like GVF so I'm not hating like many do but Pink Floyd is not a band I'd ever associate with them.

For the OP look up the video for the song Highway Tune and close your eyes for the first minute. Your ears will tell you its some unearthed Led Zeppelin song while your eyes will sew a bunch of teenagers sounding like they came from 50 years ago.


LazerHack74 t1_jbxqz3x wrote

the only newish music I like is a couple of songs off Dua Lipa's aptly named album (at least judging by the songs I know) Future Nostalgia - I'm a freak like that