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Monsieur_Moneybags t1_jd8728z wrote

> What should I listen to?

Whatever music you enjoy, no matter how "old" or "new" it is. Not continuously finding "new" music doesn't mean you're in a "slump". Asking internet strangers for music recommendations seems forced, not a natural way to find something you like. How did you discover you liked Radiohead and Smashing Pumpkins? My feeling is if there's music out there that you'd enjoy then you'd find it on your own eventually; no need to force things.


TharbyPictures OP t1_jdcpcsi wrote

Thanks for the insight. Maybe using "slump" isn't the right word. When I think back to how I found Radiohead and Smashing pumpkins, it was a recommendation from somebody, lol. I don't see a problem with asking for help to make my music pool larger. I see the value in your comment, and trust me when I say, I'm never forced to listen to music. Whether that be good or bad.