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matt_ramen t1_je5oetl wrote

Dizzy Miss Lizzy shouldn't have been on Help.


crazybee t1_je650pa wrote

They should have put Paperback Writer on Revolver and left off Yellow Submarine.


PeelThePaint t1_je6i882 wrote

They very intentionally put out the strongest (in a pop sense) songs as singles instead of album tracks. They didn't have the album-oriented "too cool for singles/shuffle" mentality a lot of music fans have these days.


terryjuicelawson t1_je96th7 wrote

In hindsight they shouldn't have been so strict having singles separate to albums. But the 45rpm single was a big deal then, they didn't want people to feel ripped off with 4 singles per album and they could still churn them out. Just too many weak covers on the early albums for me, and it would work better as a historical document having them on there.