Submitted by Pink_Diamondx t3_1222tkw in Music

(F, 17) I had a friend who was mega obsessed with Conan Gray. Not everyone is gonna like the same artist or not but this is my opinion on him. My friend lets call him Vincent. He used to constantly talk about him, and every time i hang out with him he plays Conan Gray. It could get very annoying at times, since our music tastes are way different from each other. I shouldn’t be judging someone for loving a music artist. Like i said anyone can like/love what they want.

But let me be honest i really hate it when he forces me to listen to it. And he says “ Conan Gray is way better than what you listen to.” Well thats their opinion it shouldn’t really bother me. But its constant and it can get irritating at times. He also says “ listen to Conan Gray he’s way better than your music.” Well i can listen to whatever i want.

Before then I listened to some of Conan Gray’s music, and then i stopped before i even met Vincent. But the first couple times i was okay with it. I sometimes even sang to the songs with him. But now its just really annoying because he thinks Conan is better than all artists. ( some people could agree on that too but its their opinion. )

Vincent sometimes tells me that my music is trash and garbage. Even when some artists have the same genre as Conan Gray. I sometimes hope this is a phase for Vincent because i’m semi concerned for him.

I just think people shouldn’t force their music on other people because they don’t have the same music taste. Let people listen to what they like and don’t control someone’s music interests.



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econstatsguy123 t1_jdokvg4 wrote

You should be absolutely disgusted with yourself. Your self worth is completely determined by:

(A.) Whether or not you like Conan Gray.

(B.) Vincent’s opinion of your musical taste.


RalftheMedic t1_jdokwxc wrote

It might be a phase, you could try to wait it out but damn it sucks that Vincent would go so far as to say your music taste is trash just because its not Conan Gray...

Edit: also, you shouldn't be ashamed. Everyone has different tastes like you said, Vincent thinking that Conan Gray is the best isust his own opinion.


justabill71 t1_jdomyj4 wrote

I have no idea who that is, so I'm going to say no.


kekecperec t1_jdonqss wrote

A person who needs to put another person down to feel good about themselves is called a bully. Bullies are all insecure. Hence, they need another person they can intimidate to feel strong. Vincent is not a friend, and he is just using you as an accessory to validate his little self. You are worth more than that. And you do not need somebody like him around who constantly makes you feel bad and wanna have to prove yourself as valid. You do not need to prove anything to anyone. You always have a choice to walk away from people who don't make you happy. The sooner you allow yourself to embrace that the happier life you will live.


thisizusername t1_jdordow wrote

Vincent is an asshole, of that I’m certain. I did a 2 minute deep dive on Conan Gray. Less certain, but I think he may be an asshole as well.

May want to consider other ‘friends’.


DietGrlll t1_jdoy9or wrote

It’s super annoying to have friends like these. I wouldn’t want to hang around someone who’s gonna put down what I listen too. Maybe you need new friends


GlueForSniffing t1_jdp5u1r wrote

Conan Gray? Had to look him up . . .He's pretty . . . . MID. Nothing special to me. Honestly one of those artists I'd never assume was uhm . . . anyone's FAVORITE or even Top 5? but uh... okay.

But uhm, yeah get the hell away from Vincent. Musical elitism isn't where it's at.

If you want to keep the friendship going and not be as aggressive as I would be then idk...

Maybe when you hang out with him give hints you're not into it. " Can we listen to something else? This one isn't the vibe. " ---- " ah, I'm pretty exhausted by Conan Gray. Pretty burned out." ---- " Let's look for something new. "

If he wants to double down or pick a fight over it ... then just say you're glad Mid-level e-twink beats are worth fighting over. Maturity shouldn't get in the way of his ego and golf-clap for him.


nat_cat1521 t1_jdpblg5 wrote

Just tell him that you don’t think that what you listen to is trash. He can have opinions but I do admit, that is awfully rude of him.


palkopupa38 t1_jdq40zd wrote

Does your life depends on liking some singer? If not, then don't care and save your time on something usefull and not on writing these long posts. Bye


pretty_bumpy t1_jdqbouj wrote

Vincent can't do that, for example i am a huge fan of Lana del Rey, if someone tell me to recommend an artist probably i gonna said Lana but if he doesn't like it it's not a matter for me, all the people has defferent taste of music.


[deleted] t1_jdqmn9x wrote

never let other people decide what you should listen