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Doomerlicious t1_je31y50 wrote

You do realise that rap and hip hop began in the seventies…?

And that rhythmic spoken work precursors to rap abounded in jazz and blues since before music was recorded at all…

Liberate yourself from some of those gnarly old tropes you’ve imbibed sometime and try listening to, say Miles Davis, whose final album before his untimely passing was a hip hop album. De La Soul - whose stuff is now finally streaming - had nothing to do with the Gangsta Rap you seem to think encompasses all hip hop.

By all means stay in your time capsule but try not to spread those old, frankly racist, tropes to another generation…

Oh, btw, I’m pushing sixty, and I love Billie Eilish and Mo, Ju’s (formerly Mojo Juju) new album is a killer …


[deleted] OP t1_je33abl wrote

It's a cheap and lazy argument to tell someone who doesn't like rap they are racist. My favorite genre of music right now that I have been getting into heavily lately has been Jazz, and guess what the race of the majority of Jazz artists is? I've already said that many of my favorite artists are old Motown artists.

I'm also tired of people trying to tell me that I just haven't listened to the right kinds of rap and I should give it a chance. I have heard enough of opera and country music to respect that it takes talent but that it's not for me and I likely will never enjoy it no matter how much I try to. I grew up loving hard metal and I never tried to push that on anyone else or tried to tell them they weren't listening to enough variety of it


justaskfrank t1_je36mh0 wrote

Rap has been shoved down people's throats for so long, it's all anyone knows anymore. What if people in the 70's or 80's could have jumped 40 years into the future to hear our music? They'd come back irreversibly infected with the kind of cancerous shame anyone with a shred of self-respect feels hearing even one note of Cotton-Eyed Joe in a bar.


bluejay_or_bluej t1_je3g6wi wrote do realize they probably said the exact same thing about punk rock in the 90s, right?