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Ok-disaster2022 t1_je38m9r wrote

Since I don't see it addressed in the top comments, I'll explain the survivorship bias. In survivorship bias you associate good qualities to the things that have survived the longest and assign those qualities to that class of things as a whole. A great example is construction, only the old buildings that were well built and well maintained survived. All the bad construction doesnt.

Same applies for music. The hits from previous eras of music have been filtered and separated from the chaff. If you bought a bunch of random albums from the 70s, most people probably wouldnt like most of the music. My favorite example of this is Elton John. The man is a wonderful composer and performer across multiple decades. But he makes great singles, but not great albums. Everyone has a copy of Queens Greatest hits, but few people have their entire discography. Some bigger mainstream artist did produce great albums, but they still would have iffy albums now and then, and their popularity is partly because the music was good and evolutionary.

The bigger problem you face isn't the quality of music, but being forced to listen to it, which is annoying in most cases. My friends and I were in a diner getting breakfast recently and I realized the country song that was playing was just not a good song. It would be like 8 or 9 on a track listing of a decent artist, but since the Playlist was playing hits from the 70s to today there was nothing good ear catching to the song. The next few songs were different hits and it was self evident why they were good. But this one country song was so much filler noise it annoyed me the rest of the day.

Anyone blasting their music in a shared public space is an asshole. But that has nothing to do with the music.


[deleted] OP t1_je3oh9h wrote

>Everyone has a copy of Queens Greatest hits, but few people have their entire discography.

I disagree. my favorite queen songs are the ones hardly ever played

  • '39'
  • It's late
  • Father to son and almost all of Queen II
  • Gimme the prize - Kurgan's theme

Your whole argument discounts the deep cuts which are arguably an even larger pool of quality songs.

The majority of the songs I love the most were never top 40 hits