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Exiled_From_Twitter t1_je3br4q wrote

I really don't get the "music must be really difficult to make" crowd. Something incredibly simple can be absolutely fantastic, and really difficult music can be absolutely trash. There's no correlation between difficulty and whether it's good or not. None.

I get it's the natural progression of most people, to like what they knew as a young adult and dismiss everything thereafter as trash. But it's amazing ppl can't see that trend and just recognize they're being old curmudgeons. You know the people prior to you thought that your music was trash and their was the best, right?

There's a lot of music I don't like, past and present, and a lot I do like from each era. I think that the democratization of music (amongst many other things) have watered down music in many ways. Everyone can "make it" to some degree. There are literally millions of bands that have their music readily available to us on Spotify or YT Music or whatever. So overall, yes music is worse b/c we're exposed to more bands that could not have made it through the old traditional way. But that old traditional way was so broken, you missed out on so much music that you would undoubtedly have liked had it been more available to you. So many great musicians were shunned by the industry for many different reasons b/c very few people controlled the entire industry in all reality. That's just a broken way to do it so even though it leads to it being watered down the way bands can produce and put music into the stratosphere on their own with relative easy is far superior.