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Stargazer-night7 t1_je3e0ix wrote

>Can you recommend some bands who play "modern prog rock & prog metal"? I'm a boomer who's into bands like Nightwish, Epica, Imperial Age, Beyond Creation and Dragonforce. I'm always looking for more good music in that genre.


Paragon8384 t1_je3ekw0 wrote

Check these bands/artists out, starting with the albums listed. They're a mix of prog metal & prog rock:

Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase. (2015) *One of my all-time favorites.

Haken - The Mountain (2013) *From this album, their song Falling Back to Earth will be one of the most fun and epic songs you will ever hear. Band's name is pronounced "Hay-ken."

Leprous - Malina (2017)

Thank You Scientist - Terraformer (2019)

Vulkan - Technatura (2020)

Caligula's Horse - In Contact (2017)


Stargazer-night7 t1_je7wluj wrote

Thanks for the heads up. I've never heard of any of these bands.

I'm listening to the Steve Wilson album right now. Sounds great! SW remastered five of the best Yes albums from the 1970's. Yes is my favorite band. I didn't know that SW had a solo career. I'll try to listen to everything that you've listed here. Thanks again!


Paragon8384 t1_je7wrqn wrote

Hope you enjoy the rest! You're gonna have a blast with these albums, I just know it.