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JaymesGrl t1_itiibor wrote

I recognise American Idiot by Green Day in less then a second based on the first three chords.

Sloop John B by Beach Boys from that opening high note.


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itlxofo wrote

Yeah, there's a few Green Day songs I can recognize pretty quickly, but haven't heard Beach Boys in so long.


MasteringTheFlames t1_itjeeev wrote

Reelin' in the Years by Steely Dan.

Many of my earliest memories are from the road trips my family would take me on during the summers of my childhood. Many of the artists we would listen to in the car, like Billy Joel and The Eagles, stuck with me through my entire adolescence, while others, like Fleetwood Mac and, yes, Steely Dan, were lost with time.

When I was 18 years old, my mom found her old record collection from when she was about that age in the late 70s, and while "Can't Buy a Thrill" was not among that collection, "Aja" was. So when we set up an old stereo system we had in the garage, and bought a turntable, Deacon Blues immediately took me back to those childhood vacations.

A few months later, I started working my first job. My very first week there, we were listening to the radio at work, and the radio host mentioned that Steely Dan would be coming to our city that coming summer, along with The Doobie Brothers, another band that stuck with me from my childhood, and was featured heavily in my mom's old records. It seems like everyone remembers what they bought with their first paycheck, and I figured that concert would be a memorable one. So when payday came around, I bought a ticket.

The Doobie Brothers were awesome. Then Steely Dan took the stage. I didn't get around to looking them up on Pandora and doing a deep dive into their music before the show, so I mostly went into it blind. They played a few songs from Aja that I recognized from recently rediscovering that album, and a few other songs I remembered from long ago. Then they came back out for the encore, and started it with My Old School, another one I quickly recognized from long ago. They wrapped up My Old School, and without missing a beat, launched right into that iconic guitar riff of Reelin' in the Years. All but forgotten memories from a decade past were resurrected in a matter of about two seconds. It was such a cool moment, and I'm definitely not going to be so quick to forget Steely Dan and especially that particular song again.


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itlze37 wrote

Wow. That's awesome, thank you for sharing that! Music is so amazing in how it can bring back memories lost.

I don't remember how or where I first heard the song I mentioned in my post, it was just there one day and has never left my [insert choice of music player] ever since. And what's weird is in all these years, no one I've ever met has ever heard (or remembered hearing) it before.


JackBox4 t1_itif91s wrote

Leyland - Derek & The Domino's

Hard Days Night - The Beatles

Sowing The Seeds Of Love - Tears For Fears


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itlx180 wrote


Man, I haven't heard that one in a while, thank you!

I need more Beatles in my playlists.

I only knew the chorus of that one, hadn't heard it as much growing up so it def took me a lot longer to recognize it lol.


marinekai t1_itiqx61 wrote

Enemy by imagine dragons is one that comes to mind. I'd know that opening sound from anywhere. But I'm sure there are many, just can't think off the top of my head


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itly6rb wrote

I hear you. As I'm reading these comments I keep thinking of others I could probably catch right away, and others that I know I could.

If only I could find the right "name that tune" contest and win the lottery lmao.


Turbulent-Advisor866 t1_itjdevk wrote

any Pantera songs lol


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itlyfmi wrote

Nice! I didn't get to listen to a lot of metal until I was almost an adult, but I have a couple Pantera songs on my phone. Def don't know their starts that well, I don't think, but that's more cuz they're not on as many playlists as some other songs.


gelatine15 t1_itjlzr4 wrote

SLTS - Nirvana Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen Never gonna give you up- Rick Astley Enter sandman- Metallica Essentially the really popular stuff


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itm079w wrote

Fair enough. I'm confident I'd recognize most of the popular ones myself, but none quite as quickly as Slave to the Music. Just something about that one for me - the first sound doesn't even really sound a note, but like an instrument taking a breath before breaking into the beat. It's like the song is taking a breath before breaking it down, and that's all I need to know im about to bust a 90s move for the next 4 minutes lmao.

(I'm pretty sure the sound is a drum brush riding a cymbal).


cti0323 t1_itjmt7l wrote

Welcome to the Black Parade.


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itm19yz wrote

Ah! More MCR! I was never really exposed to them much growing up (small town, radio played oldies or just rock, or country), but I remember liking what I had heard of theirs.


oyyzter t1_itihpqe wrote

God, there's so many. I don't know where to start.