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noshowshattuck t1_iu0v68f wrote

Music is not as important to young people as it used to be. Too many other distractions. Read any bio of a classic rock artist and they will universally say that music saved their lives and they gave all to their craft. Gen Z does not care about music so much.


[deleted] t1_iu24rlc wrote



FunkyStudent21 t1_iu5oipy wrote

Of course it’s not true. Literally just look at the rise of TikTok. If their point is most young people are less likely to take up an instrument then that’s a fair argument but that’s most likely because it’s just easier now to download music software and go from there.


BoB_nugget t1_iu0vraq wrote

Gen Z has decided to talk out their problems and seek out counseling and and external help, rather than smoke cigarettes and lay on the floor and listen to The Eagles entire catalog to figure out their problem.

The new generation are just dicks


noshowshattuck t1_iu0w9kv wrote

>And look at the mental health of those generations. Maybe some Eagles would be more helpful than whining and crying about how hard the world is.