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NotASwearwolf t1_iuiq77l wrote

Gift of Gab is cerebral and dense if you dig that. So is Aesop Rock but I can't remember how profane he tends to be.

Common Market, Blue Scholars, and Shad are heartfelt but less dense than the other two.

Watsky grew up middle class if you relate to that experience.

Flobots have a "fight the broken system" kind of vibe, but they might not be considered true "rap" or hip-hop.

Wordburglar is hella Canadian.

Spose comes from a rural background if that speaks to you.

I don't think Jurrasic 5, Cunninlynguists, and Intuition and Equilibrium are profane, but I haven't gone through listened to either of their discographies in ages.

R.A.P. Ferreira *(*formerly milo) likes to talk about things he feels in some intricate and sometimes hard to understand lyrics.

You'll probably find something you like in that list.