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ElectronicMusicTips t1_iujgaal wrote

Streaming has changed the long play format, and the idea of being a 'one hit wonder' has changed with it. It depends on the frame you're using... but I'd bet on Mark Ronson being the biggest one hit wonder of all time with Uptown Funk (until you see he's produced dozens of #1 hits and has tons of nominations and awards).


Necessary_Comfort812 OP t1_iujgo0d wrote

Yeah. The same with being fatigued with songs. It was different when you didn't have a choice and what was played was what you got. It's almost like you don't get another Beatles these days. Of course artists can get bigg but in a different way.


ElectronicMusicTips t1_iukata6 wrote

Good point. The grip on the industry has shifted, although it’s still there but in different ways. At least artists have a small chance to get a dedicated loyal following now with sites like band camp and direct sales.