Submitted by Rporrangel t3_yifs8l in Music

So that’s basically what happened ladies and germs. Got me wondering if that means that my music and voice really sucks, and she is being polite enough in order to avoid hurting my feelings and prefers to stop texting.

Obviously I did ask her to provide her opinion and feedback towards my music, but she just sent a reaction to a message and that was it, no feedback or proper answer whatsoever.



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golddustwmnn t1_iuiecrt wrote

She could just say it’s not exactly her cup of tea but that it’s really cool to see you being a creative person… passionate about something…. I swear no one these days gives a shit about anything of actual importance


Utilitarian_Proxy t1_iuiibje wrote

Use that as motivation to carry on doing what you love. Some people just aren't clued up enough to give a meaningful reaction to stuff outside their wheelhouse. No response at all could actually be better sometimes than somebody trying to bluff their way along while giving hurtful comments, as if they were an expert you needed to respect.


BugsyHewitt t1_iuiieyt wrote

Lets hear it. Perhaps if you need help with mixing/mastering hit me up. Sometimes thats the big difference is how the vocals are processed and how the mix hits... I am for sale :)


3971_KTL t1_iuij8e6 wrote

Maybe it is because you say things like "ladies and germs".


Dr_Hibbert_Voice t1_iuimik1 wrote

Your music's pretty cool but man "keep on dancing babygirl" is a real grating lyric. That beiber shit doesn't work with the darker downtempo vibe you got going on.


Rporrangel OP t1_iuipqzx wrote

Yooo m8! Hahaha “that bieber shit!” But many thanks for your honesty, I truly appreciate it. I guess I ran out of ideas while writing it, and I wanted something somehow catchy since, you know… chorus… but I guess makes sense that it doesn’t work that much with the dark vibe.

Thanks man.


Karl_Marx_ t1_iuitng0 wrote

Lyrics are kind of rapey and incel driven. That could push a woman away alone.

I'm not a fan of your voice, but I do see the idea you are going with the music, not terrible, but yeah the lyrics are questionable.


Rporrangel OP t1_iuiw6fi wrote

Wow never thought they were incel driven. Maybe cause I see this song as a single one but part of an upcoming album, if it makes sense but I’m narrating a story in the other songs, about a guy that life and relationships leads him to that life and kind of resentment to that person.

But I think people should separate the artist character, from the real person. But I get your point. Thanks


sadbalm t1_iujbkb7 wrote

but she has no idea if these are your views on women in general or if it’s a “character” you’re doing. i’ll be honest, the lyrics alone read as a huge red flag to potential partners…


Rporrangel OP t1_iujlbsx wrote

Totally agree. They do read like a huuuuuge red flag. And all my lyrics are similar, because that is the character I’m trying to build. And yeah it is a problem because people will often think that is how someone thinks or stands about relationships/women/drug abuse/alcoholism lifestyle etc.

Which opens a new question. Shall we judge an artist real life by its work? Keeping in mind that most songs are a fictional work.

The second question would be: Shall lyrics stay honest with no filters or shall we sugarcoat them (no pun intended) to fit in with nowadays society’s behaviour trends?


sadbalm t1_iujm70y wrote

i don’t think misogyny and addiction make a fun or acceptable character to put on. if this is truly not how you think and view the world, why would u ask the second question? it seems very contrary to say “this is completely not me… but why should i have to sugarcoat my truth to fit in with society?” i do judge artists by what they put in their work. especially when they are expressing bigotry through it, character or not. i think you’ve got your answer as to why this woman stopped responding— you scared her off with your musical “character” and she feels uncomfortable with what you’ve expressed through your music.


Rporrangel OP t1_iujqel8 wrote

So basically you are saying “I prefer listening to vanilla music, because those artists are that way in real life cause their work defines them?”

Ex: Drake Bell has some lovely lyrics… and well don’t have to tell you the rest of the story. Jared Leto Katy Perry

A lot of artists and famous people have proven that it’s so easy to preach about love and act differently.

I respect your wee opinion but definitely do not agree with you at all.


sadbalm t1_iujrfbx wrote

no, i didn’t say any of that. that’s a really inaccurate paraphrasing of my points. let me simplify:

•misogyny is not cool, interesting, or artistic

•misogyny is not an appealing character to put on

•why would you write these lyrics if you’re not like, an incel?

•you asked why she stopped replying after you sent her this crap, and i told you. you don’t have to agree or disagree. i can almost guarantee this is why she doesn’t talk to you anymore.

any questions?