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Murder_Ballads t1_ix4m1fa wrote

It’s a good question. We really should be asking why these people want to talk to young kids about sex so desperately.


readerf52 t1_ix4mvvc wrote

And that’s the point.

It wasn’t being discussed to the very young children, but that didn’t scare people, so they had to pretend it was an issue.

There are books for young children like “My 2 Dads” that simply talks about a different family dynamic. It is not sexual. There is no push to create homosexual children or adults. It simply explains what that family feels like and how they function.

And that scares the shit out of people.

So the better question is: why? What are grown ass adults scared of families that are different?


Murder_Ballads t1_ix4n57m wrote

So if none of that is happening with very young children why are people so up in arms about he law? Do they just not understand what it says? It apparently seeks to prevent something that isn’t even happening, so what is the law harming, besides potentially wasting tax dollars?


readerf52 t1_ix4t97n wrote

From what I’ve read, it puts a burden on teachers.

Children are curious and they aren’t stupid. Any honest question that may result in even the slightest shading of talk of “gay” could have serious repercussions for them.

This is not a subject that teachers willingly discuss with very young children; they would much rather it be discussed at home. But if it isn’t, and little Emma talks about her aunts that are married to each other, it could cause a discussion. Emma can be happy as a clam, and her family accepting and understanding, but the very topic is now forbidden. On any level.