Submitted by [deleted] t3_z1jii2 in Music

I heard a piece of music yesterday and it wasn’t emotional, just in the background of a YouTube video I was watching, but I started crying hysterically. I’ve been depressed the whole day today because of it and just want to cry again thinking of the song. Is music really that powerful?



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HomerThompson15 t1_ixbb6jg wrote

You should make an appointment with a therapist.


NosyargKcid t1_ixbd8ba wrote

There are definitely songs that can affect a mood that drastically. It is usually indicative of something that you need to come to terms with & face though. A therapist could go a long way.


purl__clutcher t1_ixbc0vr wrote

There are certain songs which make me emotional, but it's because they remind me of something that was sad way back when. Maybe you were right on the edge, and the melody of the song just helped you tip.


mork t1_ixbiio8 wrote

Try Portishead to cheer yourself up.


Unbound_Sects t1_ixbf3a8 wrote

I think it's just like anything else you feed your mind. If you watch depressing things when you're depressed, it may not help. Music is definitely that powerful. So maybe find some uplifting songs to listen to. The brain needs a healthy diet to create balance.


Vietnamdaddy69 t1_ixc98s7 wrote

There’s a few songs that the minute I hear them, my mood instantly changes


BuckyDuster t1_ixd05jy wrote

Yup The right music can counteract depression and promote feelings of hope and positivity.


flaccidObama t1_ixfx62i wrote

Day by katatonia is straight-up suicide music


qinofhearts t1_ixglwf3 wrote

yes it can swap your mood completely but it is in your mind to stay there or move on; when your mood swaps for no apparent reason, you can start to create something in you head to give it a reason and just become more depressed. anyways… it’s unnecessary pain. i think we all do it and it is comforting and sad at the same time lol