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banebdjed t1_iy7cvpj wrote

AFI, bad religion, foo fighters


SandmanAwaits t1_iy7dz2c wrote

Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera, Deicide, Obituary, Emperor, Burzum, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Satyricon, Mgla, Drudkh, Taake, the list goes on.


Apostate_Nate t1_iy7f69i wrote

Most of them? Honestly there's no way to give an exhaustive list. Most bands don't continue after losing or firing a vocalist. There are many that did, there are far far more that did not.


Apostate_Nate t1_iy7geia wrote

Sorta? And honestly I think they did the right thing by not using the old name, since it wasn't the same band anymore. At the same time I can understand not wanting to lose name recognition for the work already done. It's an odd and unfortunate question to contemplate.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_iy7gpsb wrote

And then you have a murky situation such as ELO vs ELO Part 2.

"""In 1988 drummer Bev Bevan approached Jeff Lynne, wanting to record another ELO album.[2] Lynne declined to participate, so Bevan signaled that he intended to continue the band without him.[3] Lynne, however, objected over use of the ELO name, and the final agreement reached between the two resulted in ELO officially disbanding and Bevan forming a new band in 1989 called Electric Light Orchestra Part Two.[4] Another term of the agreement was that Lynne would get a percentage of ELO Part II's record royalties.""


SandmanAwaits t1_iy7i1b4 wrote

I was always under the impression Anselmo was always their singer since their debut, yeah I’m aware that they had like 3 or 4 albums before Cowboys but yeah always thought it was Phil since 1981, gonna have a read now, cheers.


AmontilladoLunch t1_iy7ivb0 wrote

When I saw Pantera in Australia in '01, Phil brought out the confederate flag and started going on about how it was the last thing white Americans had to hold on to, and that he would knock anyone's teeth out if they disagreed with him. It was a vulgar display of.... well, pitiful hatred.

Even having witnessed this first hand, his 80s hair metal phase is STILL the thing that I think he should be the most embarrassed about.


slvrtrn t1_iy7kci9 wrote

Rammstein, Porcupine tree


DevinBelow t1_iy8a2wf wrote

It would be much easier to list the handful of bands that have changed their lead vocalist.

I think 95% of bands probably keep their original singer through the duration of the band.