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me_not_at_work t1_ix0zr3e wrote

I usually trip across (or get recommended) a single song that intrigues me. I then usually go to the album that the song is on and listen to that. If I'm still interested I go to the next album on either side chronologically and keep going forwards and backwards until I hit either end.


uuhhhhggg t1_ix1h1j4 wrote


Except from after the first album I go straight to the debut


AIC_333 t1_ix16t4b wrote

This is probably sinful and weird but I usually check out the latest release to see if they still got it (for older bands). If the latest release sucks, I have a really hard time listening to the older stuff no matter how good it is.


RickJLeanPaw t1_ix1dg3a wrote

Haven’t you just discounted virtually every band?!


anxiouspinach t1_ix1emk9 wrote

To this day, the poor guys never listened to David Bowie, Queen, Guns N Roses etc.


AIC_333 t1_ix1m5ry wrote

I couldn’t get into Bowie in general. I like a few Queen and GnR songs. I’m talking more about records than anything else. I’m not oblivious to older artists by any stretch. There are just a lot of older artists’ discographies that I haven’t really checked out.


anxiouspinach t1_ix1dzul wrote

What a terrible way to discover music . Every band peaks, then its downhill from there.


AIC_333 t1_ix1m7o8 wrote

I’m talking when they really, really fall off - like Metallica for example.


bluetriumphantcloud t1_ix1gv8v wrote

Hope you didn't do AIC like that lol


AIC_333 t1_ix1lzsf wrote

Nah I still really like the new stuff - not as much as Facelift to Tripod obviously. It’s more when a band like REALLY falls off for me. I know artists have their bests and they probably won’t ever top it. All I ask is that the record isn’t bad enough to kind of sour their image for me. A lot of metalcore bands I used to listen to did that.


_AskMyMom_ t1_ix16hi5 wrote

Whatever songs I like, I dive into that album. BUT, I 100% expect not to like other albums due to changing of tone, etc.

I suggest listening to albums. I listened to 500+ plus last year, and 100% changed my perspective on listening to albums vs just songs. Sometimes you find real gems on albums you would’ve never liked unless you listened.


Burnd1t t1_ix1lou3 wrote

I listen to one song of theirs for 2 years on repeat, then I listen to some of their other stuff and fall in love with the band.


Martipar t1_ix12edg wrote

I listen to a lot of compilations to discover new artists, i'll usually buy the album the song on a compilation is from and go from there.

Sometimes i'll be recommended to a band by a friend and i'll either leap in and pick an album at random or ask for a recommendation from them.


Longjumping_Can_3456 t1_ix13dnc wrote

I listen on fast play first, then I choose which album has got the best songs.


Ok-Pressure-3879 t1_ix16xwt wrote

Whatever song brought me to the band. I start with that album then work back towards the beginning. That gives me a clue as to what the band does and if their sound changes. Not that a bands sound has to change but if the music is just ok, i know I’m going to keep hearing the same stuff. If the music is really making me feel something then ill keep going changes or not.


RickJLeanPaw t1_ix1dqqm wrote

I like to have the artist playing in the background / whilst doing something else at first, just to get the general timbre and style sorted out; then get recommendations for best albums (never just by track) and sit down and listen to the albums.


anxiouspinach t1_ix1gaaf wrote

Im very shallow. I'll start by listening to 2 or 3 of their hits, and if they don't entice me I won't put in the effort to check them out any further.

If I'm enticed, I'll enjoy those for a good while, add em to my collection, completely disregard the rest of their catalog, until I find myself longing for more of their sound. Then I'll check out the albums those songs were in, maybe check out some reddit suggestions and work through their catalog in no particular order


StrongAsMeat t1_ix1mzp2 wrote

I listen to snippets of their 'top tracks' and if I like them I'll download a few albums then probably put them in a playlist


ChildhoodMassive t1_ix1tuu3 wrote

I start with their most played songs then if I like something there I start from the beginning of their discography and listen to everything.


ElmoIsInRehab t1_ix2ty9a wrote

I listen to every song in chronological order for every band/artist that I listen to. I have a problem