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ThePencilRain t1_ixdrjxq wrote

But if we play last, everyone will have left already....



biingcherry_ OP t1_ixdsmhl wrote

Lol I know that's what they say and it's ridiculous. If if they are the hEaDlIneR then people will stay for them.


ThePencilRain t1_ixdycgb wrote

So then you get bumped and it takes those guys an extra 40 minutes to set up, then 20 to break down...leaving you with a 10 minute set at 1215 when last call is 1230.

That is, if they aren't providing the back line

"OH, well since we already played, we're just going to load the van at the end of our set. Hope you brought your own shit, we gotta go cause work in the morning sorry have a good show, let us know when you want to play again. Our friends all have to get home early, too, so have fun playing for the bartenders."


MDA687 t1_ixfznz3 wrote

Bingo! if your not that well known but your the headliner your better off to go on 2nd especially on a week nite before everyone leaves. After 11pm is not the best slot unless it’s a Friday or Saturday night show. If the crowd thins out as it gets later the club most likely will cut your set in half so they can go home even if there’s still a bunch of your fans waiting to see you. Play 2nd if your the headliner more people will end up seeing you. Playing to more people is what’s important if your looking to grow your audience.


MDA687 t1_ixg274h wrote

Like to add once we released our first album all of it changed and people stayed to hear us no matter the time slot… people who buy your records that come to hear you live are serious fans and will not leave until your in your car and even then will follow you out onto the streets… playing your songs on their car stereos and wanting you to take notice. You gotta love their enthusiasm it’s what you work all those years for… Die hard fans are the best… it’s the ultimate compliment… it’s why you do it… they know every lyric and every note your gonna play Those fans are amazing they may never know how much they mean to you… a hard working band needs that enthusiasm… it’s priceless… it keeps you going.


biingcherry_ OP t1_ixip6b9 wrote

If they're not well known, they're not a headliner. If they're touring through but don't have a pull, they're not a headliner. Headliner is literally the final spot. Larger acts are known as headliners because they pull well and go last. Going 2nd is just going on 2nd.


MDA687 t1_ixjyt0j wrote

In theory headliners should go last but not always the case… especially in Smaller venues like clubs… my band closed for quite a few headliners… we had a decent local following in the Los Angeles area however the Meat Puppets, Agent Orange, Country Joe “Woodstock fame” (Give me a F give me a U…) and The Nails along with many other acts in my experience all wanted the middle spot… not at all unusual… in the case of the Nails they borrowed our Bass Amp because they blew out they’re own and then Blew ours as well and left us with no amp for our Bass player… they left early and we ended up using the PA system for a Bass Amp… they all chose the 2nd spot over going last. The Nails did follow through and they paid the cost to fix the amp very Decent guys from New York! They had a popular song on radio “88 Lines For 44 women” I hope I’m remembering that title correctly.