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Adamant-Verve t1_ixu6tn0 wrote

Best music ever? In 100 years from now, the Beatles will probably be mentioned in the paragraph "pop music", chapter 20th century, in between the paragraphs "jazz" and "EDM". That pop paragraph will probably be dominated by Frank Zappa, but it's too early to predict what will be regarded of importance by that time. It will certainly not be "sales" or "popularity", but focused on the music itself. There will surely be a paragraph about New Orleans, cross-influences and World Music (Fela Kuti, Indian music, Astor Piazolla)

They will be in the list of "most popular pop bands 1950-2000", but for the list "best pop bands", I am afraid their drummer was too sub par.

Most innovative? A bunch of 20th century classical composers with decades of influential work like Ives, Stravinsky, Messiaen, and Stockhausen will be mentioned. Miles Davis and Coltrane probably. Zappa. Aphex Twin. Robert Fripp and certainly John Zorn. The Beatles, no matter how much we like or dislike them, will be not in that list of most influential in the 20th century, leave alone music history.


HarryBalsonia69 OP t1_ixu8bab wrote

Im referring to talent not popularity just talent with them. As for their drummer being suub par , HA ! ! Thats funny . Why not listen to the wiiide range of drumming techniques he was capable of . As for influential , they literally were so influential that the people who influenced them were influenced by them. They were pioneers to sounds that weren't even thought of. Anything else you said explains why people who know more about what they did than just Yellow Submarine , or Hey Jude , say that they're underrated and its true they are underrated now and in your hundred yers from now.


Adamant-Verve t1_ixucq2l wrote

I have heard every single Beatle song at least twenty times. They were inescapable in the seventies and eighties. I don't know why you call them underrated now, but they were certainly overrated back then. I don't hate them, but I don't need to hear them again, honestly. There's so much more to discover. About Ringo: his drumming style and sound worked well with the Beatles, but his technique?? That would be his weakest point, not surprisingly, because he never practiced.

Let's agree to disagree on your statements about the Beatles. We're not going to meet in the middle, no need to argue.


HarryBalsonia69 OP t1_ixudge5 wrote

I really was like that too . I heard everything , until I really heard everything . Listen to all of Revolver . Who here is arguing . All we need is love and love is all we need . I didn't know they were like that in the eighties . I wasn't here , there , or anywhere back then . Thats like two decades before me. Also he never practiced ? ? That just made his drumming even more better if so .


bluetriumphantcloud t1_ixwhoua wrote

The Beatles will not be on the list of most influential musicians of the 20th century?

You've tried so hard to look smart that you have become insufferably stupid.

Take your John Zorn, and go see if you can find a team of medical professionals to surgically remove your head from your arse you blithering moron.

I'm deleting Reddit.